A few of us in the East Madison Neighborhood are working together to improve our part of New Port Richey. To that end we’ve initiated an informal neighborhood association – the East Madison Growers. Our primary interest is in doing what we can to develop a resilient and sustainable community, and to let others join with us, if they desire.
At present we are focusing on educational programs and community development activities with an emphasis on projects related to the natural environment, gardening, and local food production.
Many of us are gardeners, but we are first residents of New Port Richey, and we understand ourselves as neighbors with a common interest in improving our community.
Among our ideals and recommended practices are (1) using locally made products whenever possible, (2) support of organic gardens throughout the East Madison Neighborhood, (3) creation of community gardens, (4) development of a community plant nursery and seed bank, (5) establishing gardens on vacant properties, (6) publishing a neighborhood newsletter to keep us all informed on issues relevant to East Madison, and (7) neighborhood gatherings for fellowship and sharing.
If these seem like good ideas and practices to you, let us know, and we’ll add you to our mailing list. East Madison Growers will avoid sectarian politics, stress neighborhood awareness and shared interests, and serve as a recommending organization rather than one with strict membership requirements and expectations.
Participants, beginning with the original group, will be residents of the East Madison Neighborhood of New Port Richey. We aim to improve our community, get to know others who live nearby, find areas of agreement and projects we can share, and work to make East Madison a better place to live than it was before we were here.
If you’d like to join with us, please share your contact information, we’ll include you in our mailings, and invite you to become a participant in our project.